Grapă rotativă Row cleaner for Great Plains NTA-3010 seeder monodisc right nou

grapă rotativă Row cleaner for Great Plains NTA-3010 seeder monodisc right nou
grapă rotativă Row cleaner for Great Plains NTA-3010 seeder monodisc right nou
grapă rotativă Row cleaner for Great Plains NTA-3010 seeder monodisc right nou imagine 2
grapă rotativă Row cleaner for Great Plains NTA-3010 seeder monodisc right nou imagine 3
grapă rotativă Row cleaner for Great Plains NTA-3010 seeder monodisc right nou imagine 4
grapă rotativă Row cleaner for Great Plains NTA-3010 seeder monodisc right nou imagine 5
grapă rotativă Row cleaner for Great Plains NTA-3010 seeder monodisc right nou imagine 6
grapă rotativă Row cleaner for Great Plains NTA-3010 seeder monodisc right nou imagine 7
Vă interesează anunțul?
125,20 EUR
5.460 UAH
≈ 623,30 RON
Luați legătura cu vânzătorul
Tip:  grapă rotativă
Locul de amplasare:  Ucraina m.Dnipro
Data publicării:  mai mult de o lună
Numărul ID din stocul vânzătorului:  10537
Stare:  nou

Informaţie suplimentară — Grapă rotativă Row cleaner for Great Plains NTA-3010 seeder monodisc right nou

sprocket diameter - 320mm;
sprocket material - steel 45.
This unit is intended for clearing a furrow with a width of 2 - 4 cm in front of the seed disc from plant residues. Provides uniform sowing of crops such as rapeseed, alfalfa, etc.
At any sowing depth, the ability to adjust the cleaners without deepening to work on the surface and remove the floor and rolls is in great demand among supporters of minimal tillage and zero tillage.
   Simple reliable design and installation.
helps the seeder disc knife improve furrow cutting performance;
the vegetation cover in the aisle is completely preserved;
floating mode of operation;
does not interfere with adjustment and repair of openers;
universal set of devices for mounting the cleaner on a section or a seeder frame.
Această ofertă are caracter orientativ. Informaţiile exacte trebuie solicitate vânzătorului.
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